Would I do it again?
Two days ago, I returned from a pioneer trek with the youth in our stake. I was asked to serve as the nurse on the medical team. We walked 26 miles over 3 1/2 days in the blazing, hot sun. (In fact, everyone keeps on asking me where I got my nice tan...I think they are expecting me to say Hawaii, but are disappointed to here it was on pioneer trek!) It was hard, but such a great experience. Our medical team helped with dehydration, tick removal (one of which was in me), LOTS of blisters, and various other needs.Over the trek, I would walk up and back along side the youth as they pulled their handcarts(making me feel like I walked double the miles)...and just as we would stop for a water break, I would run around and help everyone and we would be on our way again. Honestly, I felt like the Lord answered my prayers and I felt like I had plenty of strength and energy.
I felt the spirit of our pioneer heritage and learned many life-long lessons. I saw the lives of many of the youth change as they had time to be out in nature and come closer to their Heavenly Father.
Would I do it again? Of course...just give me a little time because I sure missed my girls and husband!